Something Not Right?
To be eligible for a return or exchange:
- Contact us within ten (10) days of the confirmed delivery date
- Provide a detailed description of your issue, accompanied by relevant photo or video
- Retain the original packaging with proof of purchase
We do not accept returns for worn items, ordering the wrong size and/or color, entering the wrong billing/shipping information, orders that are classified as “undeliverable” due to incomplete or inaccurate shipping information or based on a “change of mind”.
If your package was delivered but you did not receive it, it is your responsibility to contact the post office and file a claim. We do not offer refunds or exchanges after ten (10) days of the confirmed delivery date or due to any reasons unrelated to quality.
To initiate the return or exchange process, take photos/videos and email them to along with your order number. You will receive an order update shortly thereafter.
Once we’ve received the returned merchandise, we will immediately issue the refund or exchange.
By visiting, you are consenting to our Refund Policy.
Email any additional questions to